Population by age generation is a way of analyzing the demographic structure of a population based on the birth years of different cohorts or groups of people. It can help to understand the social, economic, and cultural trends and challenges that each generation faces, as well as their impact on society as a whole.
ome of the most commonly used generations in the literature are:
– The Greatest Generation: born before 1928, they experienced the Great Depression and World War II, and are known for their patriotism, resilience, and civic duty.
– The Silent Generation: born between 1928 and 1945, they grew up during the post-war era of prosperity and conformity, and are characterized by their loyalty, stability, and pragmatism.
– The Baby Boomer Generation: born between 1946 and 1964, they witnessed the social and cultural upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s, and are associated with optimism, individualism, and activism.
– Generation X: born between 1965 and 1980, they came of age during the end of the Cold War and the rise of globalization, and are seen as independent, adaptable, and entrepreneurial.
– The Millennial Generation: born between 1981 and 1996, they are the first generation to grow up with the internet and digital technology, and are regarded as diverse, educated, and socially conscious.
– Generation Z: born between 1997 and 2012, they are the most recent generation to enter adulthood, and are influenced by the events of the 21st century, such as the 9/11 attacks, the Great Recession, and the COVID-19 pandemic. They are considered to be creative, connected, and resilient.
The population by age generation can vary significantly across different countries and regions, depending on the patterns of fertility, mortality, and migration. For example, according to the 2021 Census of Canada, the baby boomers made up less than a quarter of the Canadian population (24.9%), while the millennials were the fastest-growing generation (8.6%) and the largest share of the working-age population (33.2%). In contrast, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the baby boomers were still the largest generation in the U.S. population in 2021 (23.3%), followed by the millennials (22.4%) and Generation Z (21.9%).
The population by age generation can have significant implications for various aspects of society, such as the labour market, the health care system, the education system, the housing market, the consumer market, the political system, and the cultural landscape. For instance, the aging of the baby boomers can create challenges for the sustainability of the pension and health care systems, as well as opportunities for the development of new products and services for seniors. The rise of the millennials and Generation Z can bring
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