Manufacturing consumption refers to the amount of energy consumed by the manufacturing sector during the production process. According to a report by Statistics Canada, the manufacturing sector consumed 2,181 petajoules of energy in 2022, which is a 2.2% increase from the previous year . The demand for manufactured products has continued to grow since the reopening of the economy in 2021, with real sales for the manufacturing sector increasing by 4.9% from 2021 to 2022 . The annual average capacity utilization rate also rose by 1.1% during this period .
The top energy consumers in the manufacturing sector were paper manufacturers and primary metal manufacturers, which together accounted for almost half (48.8%) of all energy consumed by the manufacturing sector . Petroleum and coal product manufacturing and chemical manufacturing accounted for another 26.1% of energy consumption . Despite making up close to half of energy consumption, paper manufacturing and primary metal manufacturing accounted for only 11.4% of the total real sales of goods manufactured in 2022 .
In the United States, manufacturing contributed $2.3 trillion to the GDP in 2022, amounting to 11.4% of the total GDP . Including direct and indirect value added, manufacturing contributed an estimated 24% of GDP .
The Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) conducted by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) defines consumption as the use of energy as a source of heat or power or as an input to the manufacturing process .
Manufacturing Consumption Diagram image