Scientific Method Diagram

Scientific diagrams are not intended to be ‘real life’ drawings, so you don’t need to be a great artist to create them. You do, however, need to follow several rules when drawing them. Use a sharp lead pencil. Don’t use a pen. Don’t use a coloured pencil. Don’t use a blunt pencil. Draw objects in two dimensions. Don’t draw in 3D.

Scientific Method Diagram Printout Write an outline of your scientific experiment. A scientific method graphic organizer including: State the problem, Gather information, Formulate a hypothesis, Test the hypotheses, Draw conclusions (either the results support the hypothesis or the results do not support the hypothesis).

A scientific method graphic organizer including: State the problem, Gather information, Formulate a hypothesis, Test the hypotheses, Draw conclusions (either the results support the hypothesis or the results do not support the hypothesis).

Scientific Method Diagram