Population Graphs

Population analysis of various cities is a fascinating topic that can provide insights into the growth and development of urban areas. According to a recent report by Statistics Canada, nearly three in four Canadians (73.7%) lived in one of Canada’s large urban centres in 2021, up from 73.2% five years earlier. These large urban centres with a population of 100,000 or more people, referred to as census metropolitan areas (CMAs), accounted for most of Canada’s population growth (+5.2%) from 2016 to 2021.

The World Bank Group has also studied the impact of population growth, aging, and migration on the growth trajectories of cities. The analysis of demographic trends is particularly relevant as larger shares of people move to or live in urban areas.

The United States Census Bureau provides data on city and town populations for years 2020 to 2022. For the most recent data available, please refer to the Vintage 2022 data.

The 2021 Census of Population by Statistics Canada presents information on population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities, and census tracts.

It is important to note that population growth in cities is increasing the need for infrastructure, transportation, and services of all kinds, including front-line emergency services. Further urban spread also raises environmental concerns such as car-dependent cultures and encroachment on farmlands, wetlands, and wildlife.

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Population Graphs