See the below image for the Workouts others0 diagram. This is one of the best at home workouts if you’re a beginner looking to build upper-body strength. Complete all exercises with 30-60 seconds rest between sets. For exercises 2-6, use two water bottles to mimic weights. For exercise 7, you can use the couch or a chair to support yourself. Exercise 1: Push-Ups — 2 sets, 5-10 reps
The following exercises are my personal favorite 10 exercises that would be fantastic to include in your workouts. 1 Trap Bar Deadlift. 2 Front Squat. 3 Barbell Glute Bridge. 4 Bulgarian Split Squat. 5 Military Press. 6 Pull Up. 7 Barbell Row. 8 Barbell Bench Press. 9 Farmers Walk. 10 Dip.
Some popular workout routines to switch to are HST, 5X5, and Max-OT. Of course those are just some common routines, but cycling them can keep your muscles from adapting to your workouts for a very long time.
Workout diagrams others0 image