See the below image for the Total health physical mental financial social diagram. One health link that’s often overlooked is the connection between financial health and mental health. In our 2016 Sun Life Canadian Health Index survey 12, we found that the top drivers of excessive stress were related to finances: 45 per cent of individuals were experiencing uncomfortable levels of stress related to personal or household finances
Despite our default view of mental health as something quite separate from our physical selves – study after study has shown just how connected mental health is to other health measures, like physical and financial health. Not always of course, as a mental health condition can still exist on its own.
A person’s real-life social network is a crucial indicator of social health. It pertains to the ability to form positive and supportive relationships with peers. Here, you see a tie-in with mental and physical health. Lack of friends can lead to depression, which can cause physical health-related symptoms.
Total health physical mental financial social image