See the below image for the Psychology neuroscience lobes of the brain diagram. Lobes of the Brain. The four lobes of the brain are the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes (Figure 2). The frontal lobe is located in the forward part of the brain, extending back to a fissure known as the central sulcus.
The frontal lobe is located in the forward part of the brain, extending back to a fissure known as the central sulcus. The frontal lobe is involved in reasoning, motor control, emotion, and language. It contains the motor cortex, which is involved in planning and coordinating movement; the prefrontal cortex,…
Deep within the lateral sulcus (Sylvian fissure) is the fifth lobe of the brain, the insular lobe. This lobe is not clearly visible from the outside, but can be viewed when the temporal lobe is retracted from the cortex. The parts of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes that overlie the insula are known as the opercula .
Psychology neuroscience lobes of the brain image