Demonic is a film that explores the concept of entering the mind of a comatose person through a simulation. The protagonist, Carly, is a young woman who has a strained relationship with her mother, Angela, who is convicted of killing more than 20 people in a rampage. Carly is contacted by a company called Therapol, which claims to have a way of communicating with Angela through a virtual reality device. Carly agrees to participate in the experiment, hoping to find out why her mother became a murderer.
However, Carly soon discovers that there is more to the simulation than meets the eye. She encounters a demonic entity that haunts Angela’s mind and tries to possess Carly as well. Carly also learns that Therapol is not a benevolent organization, but a front for a secret cult that wants to use Angela as a vessel for the demon. Carly teams up with her childhood friend Martin, who has been investigating Therapol and the cult, to stop them from unleashing the demon into the real world.
Demonic is a film that mixes elements of science fiction, horror, and thriller genres. It is the first feature film by Neill Blomkamp since 2015’s Chappie, and was filmed secretly in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. The film uses a combination of digital and practical effects, as well as a new volumetric capture technology that creates a realistic 3D representation of the actors. The film received mostly negative reviews from critics, who criticized its story, characters, and scares. The film was released on August 20, 2021, in theaters and on video on demand.
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