See the below image for the Bodices diagram. In modern usage, bodice typically refers to an upper garment that has removable sleeves or no sleeves, often low-cut, worn in Europe from the 16th century to the 18th century, either over a corset or in lieu of one. To achieve a fashionable shape and support the bust, the bodice was frequently stiffened with bents (a type of reed), or whalebone.
Historically a bodice was an external garment, covering the body from neck to waist. Just to make things super-confusing, it too was referred to as a pair of bodies for the same reason that the reinforced underwear was: it was a body garment, made in two pieces and laced together.
Bodices, also known as corsets or tops, are an unlabeled but common type of accessory in Royale High. They are meant to serve as a top or torso option in character customization, entirely replacing the player’s torso body part. Most bodices are part of a set or collection, but some are independent of other items.
Bodices diagram image