See the below image for the Parts of a shirt with names diagram. By the end (and maybe with some studying), you’ll be able to. call out every part of a shirt from collar to hem. The collar is a piece of fabric that is attached at the top opening of the shirt and wraps around the neck. Collars come in a wide variety of styles.
In a sample shirt, I found a men’s shirt is contains made of 9 parts, the shirt is made of 22 components excluding interlining and 26 components including interlining. If your analysis gives you a different number, share it here. Prasanta Sarkar is the founder and editor of Online Clothing Study Blog.
In a formal men’s shirt, you will find below parts. Similarly other parts of a men’s shirt made of more than one components. In back yoke, there are two plies of fabric, for cuffs total 4 fabric components 2 plies for each sleeve cuff.
Parts of a shirt with names image