The Order of Deposition refers to the sequence in which witnesses are questioned during a deposition. There is no set order for discovery, including depositions. They can be taken in whatever order the parties desire .
During a deposition, one sides attorney asks a witness a series of questions as to the witnesss knowledge of facts, circumstances, and events relevant to the case . The witness can be the other party, someone the other party claims to have relevant knowledge, or an expert whose opinions and conclusions are sought . The purpose of a deposition is to obtain answers to the attorneys questions, from a witness, who is sworn in, under oath . During the deposition, a court reporter takes notes of the proceeding. These notes consist of word-for-word recording of what the witness says. These notes are then assembled into a deposition transcript. Either side may obtain a copy of that transcript. Witnesses are permitted to review their transcript testimony. If a witness believes the testimony was inaccurately recorded, the witness may note perceived inaccuracies, and what the witness maintains their actual testimony was .
Preparation for a deposition is of significant importance. Attorneys brief their clients in advance as to how to prepare. Witnesses can prepare by reviewing documents and statements related to their claims or defenses. When the witness arrives to be deposed (to have the deposition taken), the witness should be suitably dressed. The witness should arrive with documents they may be questioned about. The witness should arrive on time, and be mentally and physically prepared. Having received adequate rest the night before is key to adequate preparation. If a witness is poorly prepared, the witness may answer questions by giving unhelpful information or too much information .
In summary, the order of deposition is not set in stone and can be taken in any order the parties desire. During a deposition, a witness is asked a series of questions by one side’s attorney to obtain answers to the attorney’s questions. Preparation for a deposition is of significant importance, and witnesses should be suitably dressed, arrive with documents they may be questioned about, arrive on time, and be mentally and physically prepared .
Order Of Deposition Diagram image