Gym and fitness chart suspension training

See the below image for the Gym and fitness suspension training diagram. A suspension gym is an inelastic workout strap system that you attach to a fixed anchor point, and by holding onto the suspension straps you can leverage your own bodyweight to perform functional and effective workouts that involve more muscles and produces better and faster results than any other type of exercise.

Born in the Navy SEALs, Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete 100s of exercises.

The suspension trainer allows everyone from the beginner to the advanced lifter to get in a challenging full-body workout no matter where they are. Below are 10 Amazing Suspension Trainer Exercises for a Full-Body Workout:

Gym and fitness chart suspension training image

Gym and fitness chart suspension training