According to the United States Census Bureau, the age and sex composition of the US population in 2020 was as follows:
– The total population of the United States was 331,449,281.
– The median age of the population was 38.2 years.
– The male population was 162,828,939 and the female population was 168,620,342.
– The age structure of the population was as follows:
* 0-14 years: 18.46% (male 31,374,555/female 30,034,371)
* 15-24 years: 12.91% (male 21,931,368/female 21,006,463)
* 25-54 years: 38.92% (male 64,893,670/female 64,564,565)
* 55-64 years: 12.86% (male 20,690,736/female 22,091,808)
* 65 years and over: 16.85% (male 25,014,147/female 31,037,419)
The United States Census Bureau also provides detailed tables on the age and sex composition of the US population in 2020. These tables include information on the marital status, educational attainment, nativity and citizenship status, labor force and employment status, occupation, earnings, poverty status, health insurance status, and more.