12th century ladys wardrobe

See the below image for the 12th century ladys wardrobe diagram. Women’s hose were of cloth and reached just above the knee, where they were tied; shoes were of cloth and reached just above the knee, where they were tied; shoes were of loose slippery variety with a flat sole and the toes were open. Open toes were another special plus for those in the twelfth-century theatre.

Medieval artwork of the 10th – 14th centuries often depicts simple, smooth gowns with tapered sleeves and full skirts. In the 12th and 13th century, this gown is often worn as a simple overdress by common women and wealthy ladies as well being used as an under gown with apron dresses,…

By the tenth century, fur came back into fashion, and everything from beaver, fox, and sable to vair (squirrel), ermine, and marten was used for warmth and status. Dyes came from a lot of different sources, some of them far more expensive than others. Still, even the humble peasant could have colorful clothing.

12th century ladys wardrobe image

12th century ladys wardrobe